Baby Sleep Help

Baby and Toddler sleep questions and answers


  • Nursing (see breastfeeding)

  • Sleep Routine (see Sleep Schedule below)

  • Twins (See Multiples above)


  1. RTJ94 commented on Blog Index - My Baby Sleep Guide:

    Hi just found your blog and I have no idea where to start. My baby #3 is not a sleeper. He is 4 months old now. Around 13 weeks he started sleeping 7pm to 7am but kept his 45 to 1 hr day naps and was eating every 2.5/3 hours. Then around 3 months he got RSV and the 10 days of night-time breathing treaments messed everything up. Now he doesn't sleep at night or nap more than 1 hour. Where do I start reading I am give out?

    1. RTJ94,
      Start off with the blog user guide and follow the links from there.


  2. I love your blog and I have reccomend it my friends all the time. I have been searching it this time to see if you have any advice on moving and what might happen and how to make the transition smooth. Our guy is 15 months. I read "The great resistance" and can't figure out if it's that or the move (we moved 2 weeks ago). Thanks for any help you can offer!

    1. Sarah,
      You might have just assume sleep issues could be due to many things at this point (very likely) and just do the best you can with things. Make sure to not fall into habits that are hard to get yourself out of. Offering some extra support is fine, but there is a fine line between offering support and turning sleep into chaos ;) It is easier for some people to figure out where this line is than others. Really, just do the best you can and I bet things will improve if you keep up the consistency that he has come to expect (with daily activities and sleep) and offering lots of extra snuggle time.


  3. Hi Rachel! What's your experience with swaddling in 3-6 months age range? My almost-3-months-old has this fussy period during second stretch of night sleep when she starts to fuss herself out of the swaddle. She tries very hard, squirms, grunts, even yells out angrily... Exactly at the time us parents want a couple of hours uninterrupted sleep! while the first stretch she sleeps very soundly in the swaddle. Our pediatrician suggested she is weaning herself off of swaddling, so I tried a night without one - still second stretch she fusses and wakes herself up, swaddle or no swaddle. At least in a swaddle it's easier for her to self-soothe and for me to help her fall asleep again... So this makes me wonder when I should stop swaddling and what cues to look for that she is ready...Have you encountered any info on this anywhere? Thanks in advance for any advice or maybe links to some literature...
