Parenting 505

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I was having a tough time (and that's an understatement) a few days ago with one of my children and I happened to run across this quote shortly before
going to bed. Isn't it amazing how that happens sometimes? At the time I read this I was beating up on myself pretty badly and was feeling like a terrible mother, despite my best efforts.  I was comparing myself and my child to others and going nowhere but downhill. I must be doing something---everything---all wrong. Why else would my child be acting this way?

This quote brought me to tears.

I have grown in so many ways by being the mother of this particularly sweet, darling, but oh so difficult child. Everyday I attend graduate courses on patience and humility. He has helped me become a better person. And he is slowly helping me shape myself into the person I want and know I can be.


  1. Replies
    1. The entire article where it is from is great. Two ensigns ago I believe.


  2. Great quote and post...thanks for sharing! There's no doubt that you're doing an amazing job :)

    1. I hope I am doing a good job. Thanks for the compliment. Being a mother is a tough job and the work is never done...but neither are the joys :)


  3. I understand what you are talking about. We want them to have patience and be kind and do the right thing...all the while knowing they are modeling our behavior....

    1. Momto8,
      I wasn't even thinking much about how as our behavior improves by taking care of them they pick up on these new behaviors and examples and become better themselves. It is great to think about it that way! I guess it is obvious that this happens since it happens with everything else we do and is part of how a "child needs you". Maybe I twisted your words...good points anyway you look at it :)


  4. That is such a wonderful quote and SO SO true about how our kids, especially in difficult times, teach us the best lessons we so need to learn. I hope you are feeling blessed, rejuvenated and joyous.

    1. Between life's doings,
      Thanks for your kind words!


  5. I have two challenging children with one nearly perfect one in the middle. I love them all equally and learn from all of them as well. They are my joy.

  6. Before I had children I thought I had patience. Boy was I wrong! But they are worth it!

  7. Go off of baby cues, and they will follow a relaxed easy schedule. Also, if your baby wants the boob to sleep give them the boob. They get calories, are relaxed to sleep, and reassured with mommy.

    1. Unknown,
      That works well for some babies and parents, but not for others. It isn't as simple and cut and dry as that, otherwise you wouldn't have many many parents asking for help, whether it be in a co-sleeping, ebf, sleep training or whatever forum/blog.

