THE WONDER WEEKS: How to stimulate your baby's mental development and help him turn his 10 predictable, great, fussy phases into magical leaps forward

After hearing about The Wonder Weeks for several months from other moms I finally got to reading it when my last child was born. I am so glad I did.

So, what are the Wonder Weeks? You know how children have growth spurts where they physically grow a huge amount in a short time? Well, the same thing happens with
children's mental develpment, it just isn't well known of by the general public (Why not? I'm still trying to figure that one out). A lot happens during and after these mental leaps and The Wonder Weeks helps you understand what is going on in your child's mind and why she is doing what she is doing. It also teaches you how to cope with your child during these tough times and shows you how to enjoy her and help her grow developmentally. The best news is that these developmental leaps and accompaning fussy (and rough sleep) periods are predictable to the week! No more wondering (and stressing) why your baby has suddenly gone from happy to miserable.

Along with information about when the wonder weeks are and what happens during and after them, you will find (among other things):

  • fussy signs that let you know when your baby is about to start a wonder week
  • helpful and fun games, activities and toys for each developmental period
  • new skills your baby may develop with each Wonder Week
  • lots of emotinal support and understanding about what you are going through as a parent

This book covers so much more than I thought it would--which explains why it was quite a few more pages than the expected 50 pages when it came in the mail! The read is worth it though, especially if you are a first time mom. I especially enjoyed reading each wonder week section right before my baby got there. I highlighed the significant things in each section so I could go back and take a look at things throughout the wonder week.

Honestly, I was a bit doubtful about The Wonder Weeks at first. It seemed too good to be true. If they really existed, why wasn't everyone telling us about them? I decided to give them a shot and was soon in total shock as I watched my new baby go through every one of these weeks. Some were more obvious than others, but they were all there. It was incredible! Not only was my stress level decreased because I understood the reason for the sudden fussiness (and that it wasn't due to me!) but I was more confident in my parenting. Who doesn't want that?

How to handle SLEEP during a Wonder Week
Wonder Weeks are now the Wonder Months
What is a Wonder Week?
When are the Wonder Weeks?
Signs a Wonder Week is about to start
The Wonder Weeks are now on Kindle


  1. Hi Rachel! I just found your site! I am really interested in reading this book, but when I was reading reviews on Amazon one reviewer was saying that if you do CIO that you will see that you shouldn't use CIO after reading this book. I'm in support of CIO, so I was wondering if I shouldn't bother reading this book because of this?

    1. Christina, I'm no expert, but I had the same issues. I knew crying it out could be useful in some circumstances, and wondered how that fit in with the wonder weeks.

      Here's what I came to in my own mind: Cry It Out is for times when the baby doesn't need anything. He's fed, changed, nothing is pinching him, and he's not in an uncomfortable position. During the wonder weeks, when you put your baby down for nap and he cries, there actually is something wrong--he's scared, because of all the new things his brain is capable of processing, and things are so different now. So I found it was best to help my son through the wonder weeks in whatever way worked for him (last time (WW 19) it was letting him sleep in my Moby wrap, although I always let him try to go to sleep in his bed first). When we got through the Wonder Week, lo and behold, he put himself to sleep in his bed again. It took a little fussing (crying it out) but it wasn't the blood-curdling screams of pure anguish that had been going on before.

      So basically, I see wonder weeks as times when you do what it takes to help your baby sleep. On the website Chronicles of a Babywise Mom, she has a sleep hierarchy of importance which goes like this: 1) sleep 2) sleeps in his bed 3) puts himself to sleep in his bed (I think!). It's most important that your baby sleep, so if you need to give him extra help getting there during the wonder weeks, go for it and don't feel bad about it. If you had good habits established before, chances are he'll go back to them very easily once the wonder week is done.

      Whew, that was long! Hope it helped a bit :)

    2. By the way, I'm not really Mrs. Meson--I'm Diana. That was a joke name we put into Google when I first signed up, and I haven't figured out how to change it yet :)

  2. Christina,
    There is a part against CIO and any form of routine in this book. It certainly has some primary attatchment parenting philosophies in it, though I wouldn't say this is a big part of the book.

    I think it is good to be well informed about whatever it is you want to do--and that includes stuff for or against it. So i have read stuff that is for and against CIO (not tons because I don't need to feel endlessly guilty :). It helps solidify my reason for doing things. I understand why I want to do it so something against it doesn't suddenly change my mind. If it did, maybe I don't really want to do it in the first place kwim? Yes, learning negative stuff about something (and remember to have reliable sources and research based, when applicable) can make you second guess stuff things. But I think you can use this to your benefit.

    Sorry that was such a mumble jumble. I think you get what I'm trying to get at, I hope.


  3. I was wondering the same as Christina so thank you so much for attending to her question, it helped me also :)
    Jennifer Dominquez
